Part of the Medicinal Chemistry division
at the Rega Institute for Medical Research
of KU Leuven
at the Rega Institute for Medical Research
of KU Leuven
Peter Verwilst
Eline Goffin
PhD Student
Margaux Billen
PhD Student
Radu Bulai
PhD Student
Xujie Zhang
PhD Student
Lijun Yang
PhD Student
Yunong Zhang
PhD Student
Zhuo Wang
PhD Student
Laurynn Torfs
PhD Student
Fanos Tsingis
PhD Student
Welcome Fanos!
Fanos joined us to further explore intracellular CCR5 signalling inhibitors through molecular modelling and chemical synthesis. We wish you good luck during your PhD and great results!
Welcome Back Laurynn
Laurynn couldn't get enough of the lab! After successfully defending her Master's thesis, Laurynn is re-joining us as a PhD student. We wish you the best of luck during your PhD on the development of novel antibiotics!
Welcome David
We welcome David Švestka to the lab!
David is a visiting PhD student joining us for 2 months from Masaryk University (Czech Republic), to learn more about Medicinal Chemistry.
The Medicinal Chemistry Lab in Rome
We had a wonderful time in Rome, during the XXVIII EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry! Interesting lectures, discussions with old and new acquaintances and a marvelous conference dinner on the Monte Mario with a spectacular view of the Eternal city of Rome.
Celebrations @ the lab
Two new PhD students will join our lab, and we obtained a C1 grant. Plenty of reasons to celebrate!
We would like to thank China Scholarship Council (CSC) and KU Leuven for the generous support of our research!
Welcome Xujie and Lijun
Congratulations Radu!
We are immensely proud of Radu for having been awarded a prestigious FWO PhD Fellowship strategic basic research!
Welcome Evangelos!
Evangelos Balatsos from the The University of Ioannina (Greece) joins our lab as an ERASMUS+ funded intern.
Welcome to our Master's students (2023)
Congratulations Radu!
Congratulations on having obtained the ACTION (tACkling anTImicrObial resistaNce) grant to attend the RICT 2023 conference, scheduled to take place in Lille, France on July 5-7, 2023!
We would like to thank Bioversys AG and the research units U1177 M2SV and U1019 of the Institut Pasteur de Lille for the generous support.